This site is about how the best way to structure your affairs to create tax effective structures, no matter what the size of your business.

Negative Gearing: A Few Ins and Outs for Newbies

25 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have plans to invest in rental property, gearing is a strategy you need to know about. It simply means borrowing money to buy a given property. Gearing can be both positive and negative. However, many investors are oftentimes concerned about negative gearing because of the implications it has on taxes as well as the investment altogether. If you are new to property investment, especially negative gearing, here are a few things worth knowing about it. Read More …

About Me
Year round tax services

I'm always telling my tax clients not just to come and see me after the year had ended. You see, there is a limit to what I can do after the year is done, but when clients get in contact with me before they make a business decision, I can help them to arrange it in a tax effective way. This site is about how the best way to structure your affairs to create tax effective structures, no matter what the size of your business. There are enough challenges for a small business owner without adding extra tax to the mix!
